Ed Jones Educational Center

121 W. Allen Avenue, San Dimas, Ca. 91773   |  Phone: 909-971-8240  |  Fax: 909-971-8248

ROP Hospitality Foods

Welcome!  I am excited you have decided to explore your career and employment possibilities in the food service industry.  In this Hospitality/ Foods course, you will get an overview of the foods industry, learn about various jobs included in this field, proper food handling, workplace safety, employment skills, job training, Culinary skills, and nutrition through classroom instruction and hands-on experience.

Course Objectives

  • To provide an overview of the Hospitality industry
  • To complete ProStart Program
  • To the ability to conduct job search, job training, resume writing, and employment skills
  • To have a basic knowledge of terminology in the hospitality and culinary field
  • To create a solid foundation of culinary skills in which to build upon
  • To explore career options and opportunities in the hospitality and culinary field

Class Rules

ROP Hospitality/ Foods

Classroom Rules



  • You are responsible for being in class each day, and being productive each day.
  • Excessive absences will result in less, or no, credits being issued.


  • You must bring paper and a pen or pencil to class everyday.
  • Textbooks remain in the class at all times, unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher.
  • Your "folder" must remain in the class at all times.


  • Respect.  At all times you must respect the teacher, your fellow students, as well as yourself. 
  • Attitude.  Try to have a positive attitude; as your attitude not only affects you, but those around you as well. If you are having a bad day, don't take away from other's positive learning environment because of your negativity.  Try to make the best of it.
  • Kitchen safety and health procedures will be observed at all time.  There will be no wrestling or horseplay in any kitchen area, or anywhere in the classroom.  Failure to do so may endanger yourself or your fellow classmates and will not be tolerated.
  • Responsibility.  You are responsible for your own behavior and actions.  You are responsible for your work and kitchen area.  Please make sure you leave your areas clean- whether you made the mess or not.
  • Swearing/Cursing, tagging, or defacing property will not be tolerated.  If the problem persists, you will be removed from the class.
  • Cell phones or IPODS will NOT BE TOLERATED!  They are to remain put away during class.  They will be confiscated if they are out and will require a parent to pick them up.  Texting is not permitted during class time.


  • Your credits will be based on class activities, tests, textbook work, projects, participation, and labs.
  • Your credit sheet must remain in your "folder" in the classroom at all times to verify credits.
  • All work must be at 85% or better in order to receive credit.
  • Failure to be productive in earning credits will be cause for removal from the class.

Student Contract

Each Student will be given the following contract upon entering the program:

Please review each portion below and sign each portion regarding the materials provided to be successful in Mrs. Brandler's ROP Hospitality Foods course.


Textbook # _________

You will be assigned a textbook: Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts.  You will "share" this textbook with 1 other student in your group.  This textbook is to remain in class at all times.  It is NOT to be taken home.  Any loss or damage to the above textbook will be your responsibility to fix.  These textbooks are brand newReplacement fee for this textbook is $65.  The condition of your textbook will be evaluated periodically.


I/we have read the textbook guidelines above.  I/we understand that failure to comply with the loss or damage of the textbook will result in a replacement fee of $65 payable to the office.  Failure to pay will result in a hold on registration and graduation participation.


Student Signature________________________________________Date__________


Parent Signature_________________________________________Date__________


Chef Coat: #________


You will be assigned a white Chef Coat to use during culinary labs.  This Chef Coat is NOT to be taken home.  You are responsible for ensuring that the Chef Coat is put back or cleaned (as needed) at the end of each lab.  You will be required to wear the Chef Coat during culinary labs.  The Chef coat is to remain in the class at all times.  A hanger will be assigned to you to keep your Chef Coat on.  Further, you are only allowed to wear your Chef Coat.  Please do not let any other student "borrow" your chef coat, or you "borrow" any other student's chef coat.  Replacement fee for damaged or lost Chef Coat is $16.  Chef coats will be inspected on a regular basis.  If you are interested, you may purchase your own chef coat.  Please contact Mrs. Brandler for details.  Personal chef coats will be ordered at the end of September for those interested.


I/we have read the Chef Coat guidelines above.  I/we understand that loss or damage of the Chef Coat will result in a replacement fee of $16 payable to the office.  Failure to pay will result in a hold on registration and graduation participation.


Student Signature________________________________________Date__________


Parent Signature_________________________________________ Date_________



List of Assignments


Chapter 1:              1.1_______           1.2_______           1.3 _______ 
 Activity pg. 52   _____    Crossword________          Lab______

Chapter 2:              2.1_______           2.2_______           2.3________        2.4________        2.5________

                                Crossword___________   Lab________


Chapter 3:              3.1_______           3.2_______           3.3________       

Study Skills (1) pg 198 OR Activity (2) pg 198  ______Crossword_______Lab________


Chapter 4:              4.1_______4.2_______     Activity (2) pg. 233________Case Study pg.263________    Crossword___________   Lab________


Chapter 5               5.1_______           5.2_______           5.3________        5.4________

Activity (2) p.318 ________              Crossword___________   Lab________


Chapter 6:              6.1_______           6.2_______           6.3________       

                                Crossword___________   Lab (Soup)________


Chapter 7:              7.1_______           7.2_______           7.3________
Activity (2) pg. 454­­ _______
 Crossword___________   Lab________


Chapter 8:              8.1_______           8.2_______           8.3________        8.4 ________

Interview Activity ______Lab________


Chapter 9:              9.1_______           9.2_______           Vegetable/Fruit Presentation ______ (refer to pg 605)

                                Crossword___________   Lab________


**Chapter 10:       10.1_______         10.2_______         10.3________

Mission Accomplished pg 670 _______  Crossword________ Lab________


Chapter 11:            11.1_______         11.2_______         11.3________     
Activity(2)  pg 691 ______ 
Crossword___________   Lab________


Chapter 12:            12.1_______         12.2_______         12.3________      12.4________ 12.5________ Resume___________        Lab________


Misc Assignments (6 assignments plus lab = 1 credit):

Assignment ________Assignment ________ Assignment ________Assignment ______

Assignment ________ Assignment ______ Assignment ________  Assignment ______

Assignment ________Assignment ________ Assignment _________Assignment ______

Assignment ________  Assignment ______ Assignment ________ Assignment ______

Assignment ________ Assignment ________ Assignment ________Assignment ______

Assignment ________  Assignment ______ Assignment ________ Assignment ______

Assignment ________Assignment ________ Assignment ________Assignment ______

Assignment ________  Assignment ______ Assignment ________ Assignment ______


Cooking Labs:

Lab _________  Lab ______            Lab _______        Lab _______        Lab______  Lab ________


Lab _________  Lab ______            Lab _______        Lab _______        Lab______  Lab ________


Lab _________  Lab ______            Lab _______        Lab _______        Lab______  Lab ________


Lab _________  Lab ______            Lab _______        Lab _______        Lab______  Lab ________


Lab _________  Lab ______            Lab _______        Lab _______        Lab______  Lab ________


Projects (Must have at least 3 credits from Chapter work & Assignments first):

Fast Food Fun (2): ________ Credits issued: _________

Restaurant Project (3):_______ Credits issued: ________

*CREDIT #6  Restaurant Review (1): ______ Credits issued:_________  Credits issued:_________

Employment Portfolio (1): _____ Credits issued: ________

*CREDIT #4 *Chef Research (1.5): _______ Credits issued: __________ Credits issued: _________

Personal Interview (.50 credit): _______ Credit issued: __________ Credit issued: _________

Newspaper Article (.25 credit) _______ credit issued:________ credit issued:_______ credit issued: _____

TV Review (.25 credit) _______ credit issued:________ credit issued:_______ credit issued: _______

*CREDIT # 8 *Character Analysis (1.5 credits): ________        Credit issued: _______

*required project

Upcoming Schedule!

Period 5: We will begin Chapter 3 on Monday

Period 6: We will begin Chapter 3 on Tuesday

Remember: bring a baked item for the bake sale for your lab credit!

Chef's in Action!