Ed Jones Educational Center

121 W. Allen Avenue, San Dimas, Ca. 91773   |  Phone: 909-971-8240  |  Fax: 909-971-8248

ROP Leadership/Event Planning

Congratulations!  You have taken the initiative to become a leader on campus.  As part of leadership, students have the task of planning school events and activities in order to make Chaparral a positive and successful environment for each student on campus.  Students are expected to remain on track with their credits as well as avoid any disciplinary problems or they will be removed from the program.


As part of their requirements as a member of leadership, students will be asked to participate in the planning and execution of various on and off campus activities.  These include Red Ribbon Week, Thanksgiving Olympics, Prom, and various fundraisers that may include car washes, candy sales, and restaurant promotions.  I would like YOU to participate as much as possible throughout the year.  Students need to be involved in the various activities and events that Chaparral puts on.  I encourage you  to be a positive and active role model on campus.  Leadership students will also be participating in various field trips during the year which include City of Hope tour and Toy delivery, volunteering at the LA Food Bank, and the opportunity to attend a field trip put on my Disney entitled "Disney's Leadership Excellence: The Inside Track".  This 3 hour program will help you in your pursuit of leadership- teaching you tools to become a better leader, self-discipline, teamwork, the art of communication, and strength.


  • As leadership students, you  are expected to know and display the ESLR's on a daily basis.  These will be the foundation of your credits.


            We Expect Our Graduates to be a:


A.        Explores and tolerates the significance of personal experiences, events or conditions in relation to self and others.

B.        Is a team player.


A.        Solves problems based on sound reasoning.

B.        Analyze, synthesizes and interprets concepts.

    C.  Evaluates the reasoning.

       D.     Applies introspective skills in setting achievable goals.

E.        Constructs, judges, and defends a position or an argument.


A.       Demonstrates a fundamental core of knowledge.

B.        Demonstrates punctuality & dependability.

     C.     Communicates effectively.

   D.   Develops intellectual, artistic, practical and physical works.



A. Demonstrates competence in advanced technological equipment.

B.        Uses a wide variety of programs.

                        C. Utilizes the internet.

      D.  Integrates technology in all aspects of their lives.


A.        Assists other students and staff on campus.

B.      Volunteers outside the school site.

  C.  Respects the community and surrounding areas.

Rules of Conduct

ROP Event Planning/Leadership

Classroom Rules


Leadership is a privilege- one in which you will set an example for the rest of the student body of how to be a productive, positive student at Chaparral High School.


  • You are responsible for being in class each day, and being productive each day.
  • Excessive absences will result in less, or no, credits being issued.
  • Each day you must fill out an accountability sheet for the day, it must be signed by the President and the teacher.


  • You must bring paper and a pen or pencil to class everyday.
  • Your "folder" must remain in the class at all times.


  • Respect.  At all times you must respect the teacher, your fellow students, as well as yourself. 
  • Attitude.  You must have a positive attitude; as your attitude not only affects you, but those around you as well. If you are having a bad day, don't take away from other's positive learning environment because of your negativity.  Try to make the best of it.  You must be willing to participate in all leadership activities that are required of you.
  • Safety and health procedures will be observed at all time.  There will be no wrestling or horseplay in any kitchen area, or anywhere in the classroom.  Failure to do so may endanger yourself or your fellow classmates and will not be tolerated.
  • Responsibility.  You are responsible for your own behavior and actions.  You are responsible for your work.  Please make sure you leave your areas clean- whether you made the mess or not.
  • Swearing/Cursing, tagging, or defacing property will not be tolerated.  As a leader, you are to set an example for the rest of the student body.  If the problem persists, you will be removed from the class.
  • Cell phones or IPODS will NOT BE TOLERATED!  They are to remain put away during class.  They will be confiscated if they are out and will require a parent to pick them up.  Texting is not permitted during class time.
  • Behavior issues in class will result in removal from the class.  Behavior issues in other classes may also result in removal from the class


  • Your credits will be based on projects, class assignments, and productive class days (hours).  Failure to be productive during class time will result in no credit for the day.
  • Your accountability sheet must remain in your "folder" in the classroom at all times to verify credits.
  • Failure to be productive in class will be cause for removal from the class. 



I have read the rules and information above.  I promise to follow them to the best of my ability.  I understand that failure to comply with the rules will result in necessary disciplinary action, such as administrative intervention and/or parent conference.


Student Signature________________________________________Date__________

Upcoming Events!

  • What will YOU be doing to help out with these events??




Progress Reports

Leadership Student: _____________________________________   Date Given: _______________ Date Due: ______________




Credits Y-T-D

Current Credits Required

Behavior Comments

Academic Comments

Current Grade

recommend Conference

yes or no

Teacher Signature