Chaparral continuation High School


Mr. Zachary Gross



In this class, we will follow the California State Standards for the course in which you are enrolled.  Through the study of this course work, a student must show mastery of the standard with 75% or higher in order to receive a credit.  Scores between 90-100% earn an "A", 80-89% earns a "B", and 75-79% earns a C.  Corrections will be allowed once on a test and twice on a credit before the credit must be restarted completely.  This is going to be a demanding year and a challenging course but I am confident that each student is capable of being successful and educationally advance in there goals to meet their requirements to graduate from high school.



As a productive student at Chaparral, each student will be EXPECTED to earn a minimum of two credits per week.  Students and parents need to be aware that students at a continuation school are here because they are credit deficient and need not only the sixty credits required in their current year but also to make up credits that were missing from previous years. This progress will be checked weekly and a student will show that they have met their goal or will be tagged as not having met this requirement.  Consistent non-productiveness will result in disciplinary measures being taken.  Referral to the office, ALC, behavior goal and/or Behavior Plan placed in the IEP.



§     All students have been provided with a new folder, which they will keep there current credits in that are labeled with their name and class number.

§     All students have been given a "tool box" containing pen, pencil, glue, colored pencils, and scissors.

§     All students have their own individual cubby that they will store their materials in.  If this cubby is not kept clean all loose papers will be thrown away.

§     If a student vandalizes and or defaces the materials that were bought for them from my personal money, they will lose the right to use these materials and must provide their own.  NO LOANERS WILL GIVEN OUT FOR ANY REASON





Class rules

  1. Attention to and compliance with teacher instructions and all school/classroom rules.
  2. Prepared for class
  3. punctuality to school as well as class
  4. Language appropriate both in and out of the classroom, showing respect for both peers and staff alike
  5. ending well-completing all assignments in the required time



I want to make sure that all parents/guardians understand there is an open line of communication at any time during this school year.  I will be making an effort to make calls home from time to time to speak of positive or negative behaviors in class.  I also want to encourage parents/guardians to contact me at any time if they have questions or concerns with their child's education.  I cannot be a completely effective educator unless a child's home life and school life consist of the same expectations regarding their education.  At least once during the school year your presence will be mandatory at your child's IEP review.  I want to abide by the theory that the education process is a team consisting of the student, parent/guardian, and teacher/staff.  We are all on the same team striving towards the victory that will come with the successful graduation of your student.