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Chaparral and Vista Highs are part of PBIS!

Part of our PBIS program is a monthly rally where we name staff and student of the month (Vista and Chaparral High Schools)

What is PBIS?
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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) for school sites to organize evidence based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, modeling, recognizing, and reinforcing of positive student behavior will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a positive climate of greater productivity, safety, and learning. PBIS schools apply a multi-tiered approach to prevention, using disciplinary data and principles of behavior analysis to develop school-wide, targeted, and individualized interventions and supports to improve school climate. 

What Do We Do at Chaparral and Vista
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Here are some of the highlights:
Thanksgiving Olympics
Mr. and Mrs. Bulldog
Monthly student of the month rallies
Quarterly Renaissance rallies
21 days of giving
Monthly lunch with the Rotary
Strike 4 Success
Lunchtime Activities
Staff/student intramurals (horseshoes, cornhole, basketball and ping-pong)
Participation in 4 sports with Continuation High School League
Careers days
Culture days . . .
These are just a few examples of why our culture on campus is so outstanding.
Preparing our students for WHAT'S NEXT!!!!