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About Us

Chaparral - Vista High School

Chaparral - Vista High School

We pride ourselves in being a small school campus that caters to and nurtures our students to address their needs on an individualized basis.  Each of our academic semesters is split up into 5 SBUS's.  An SBUS, standing for Standards Based Unit of Study, ranges from 14-21 days depending on the calendar.  During each SBUS, students have the opportunity to earn 1 credit in each academic class and an unlimited amount of credits in each APEX class.  We utilize APEX as our online credit recovery system.  It is completely independently driven, so students may work on assignments at their own pace and can earn as many credits as they can based on their hard work and work ethic.
Chaparral High School

Chaparral High School

Chaparral High School is a credit-recovery school for juniors and seniors needing additional support in a smaller school setting.
Vista Opportunity

Vista Opportunity

Vista Opportunity is an intervention support for sophomores who need additional support in a smaller school setting.
Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Chaparral - Vista High School provides an alternative environment focused on equity, mastery, and results in a safe and supportive academic community that values social and emotional wellness.  Students are empowered to rise to the challenge of a rigorous curriculum and become productive citizens prepared to fulfill their purpose.
Vision Statement

Vision Statement

We uphold the value of education, the quality of individual performance, and cultivate healthy relationships that carry into the community.
Behavioral Statement

Behavioral Statement

Chaparral - Vista High School teaches students vital character traits essential for success at school and beyond.  Students are rewarded for positive behavior, good attendance, participation, supporting a positive school climate. Doing the right thing, Owning your actions, Giving respect and Showing pride